I provide my services to English as well as German speaking clients.


Psychotherapy treats mental health problems with scientifically proven methods. Mental health problems can affect our thinking, feeling, behavior as well as our body. Statutory health insurance covers only methods part of the "Psychotherapie-Richtlinie", which are ( "Verhaltenstherapie" (cognitive behavioral therapy "CBT") "Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie", "Analytische Psychotherapie", "Systemische Therapie" for adults and "Neuropsychologische Therapie" for brain injuries.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on the effect of experience throughout your life that leads to conscious and conscious learning experience. Based on the learning experiences we make, we develop beliefs about our selves and our environment which shape the way we think and behave. Together with certain stress factors in life, dysfunctional behavioral and thinking patterns cause mental health problems. As I cognitive behavioral therapist I help you develop a model, which explains the development and maintenance of the symptoms based on scientific knowledge. We will then define goals and work on a treatment plan. The treatment in cognitive behavioral therapy consists of questioning thinking patterns, the learning of new skills and strengthening the resources you already posses. Therefore, your active participation in the form of exercise in between sessions or homework is necessary.


My focus area

As a psychotherapist, I generally treat all disorders of chapter F of the ICD-10 classification system, which have an indication for treatment with psychotherapy. However, I specialize on the treatment of the following:

  • phobic disorders and other anxiety disorders
  • (complex) post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and
  • dissociative disorders


Apart from the main cognitive behavioral tools I also use newer methods of cognitive behavioral therapy such as acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and schema therapy. Another focus of my work is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).